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    The Daring Way Approach

    Do you feel stuck in your life?

    Are you lacking purpose and direction?

    Do you feel that no matter how hard you try it is never enough?

    Are you looking for more peace and joy in your life?

    If these questions resonate with you then the Daring Way approach developed by Brene Brown is a the best gift you could give yourself.

    The Daring Way is a structured approach to learning to live life Wholeheartedly.

    “Wholehearted living is about engaging in our lives from a place of worthiness. It means cultivating the courage, compassion and connection to wake up every morning and think, no matter what gets done and how much is left undone, I am enough.”

    – Brené Brown –

    As a Certified Daring Way facilitator, I help clients struggling with fear, vulnerability, shame, and perfectionism. The goal is to understand and develop greater trust, courage, compassion and connection so you create the life you have always imagined!

    The Daring Way approach can be covered through individual one on one sessions or through the many retreats and workshops offered on the Workshop/Retreat Page.